

The wise begin with their why’s.

What does this mean?

In simple terms, beginning with your why or why’s is about aligning yourself with your true purpose. It is about aligning your action with your most important value or values. It is about acting in accordance with your ultimate vision and highest goals for yourself.  

Why is it important?

Having a driving why – a deeply cherished and compelling calling – can help us do what we need to do and stick to our commitments even when the going gets tough. It can help give us motivation and inspiration when we are not feeling at our best. It can help us weather the storms of life by reminding us of the people we want to be and the values we want to uphold. It can keep us sailing in the direction of our highest visions of and for ourselves by keeping the adverse winds and waves of our lives in context. 

It is critical that we determine and commit to our most important why or whys for our lives. This why must be deeply valued – something that drives and inspires us to be our best selves and to do whatever it takes to choose thoughts and behaviors that support and align with our life purpose. It should be deeply compelling and so universally important in our lives that it can be applied to all of our top goals.

Our why helps us traverse through the trials and tribulations that come our way with dedication and greater ease as we are pulled forward by our compelling commitment to a cherished calling. 

Today's Commitment:

(Actually do it; right now. It won't take long. Don't think about doing it and don't put it on your to do list for later. 

Dreams without Doing do not lead to Destiny.

Aspiration without Action does not result in Accomplishment.)


I create a list of as many reasons as I can list to stay aligned with my highest calling, true purpose, and most deeply cherished values in life. I do not censor myself in writing out my reasons, and set my judgment, “should’s” and “ought to’s” to the side. 

I then go through my list in order to determine which one or two of my reasons are the deepest and most important. These reasons feel aligned to my true purpose and calling as a human being and inspire commitment and enthusiasm in me. They also represent the foundation upon which the rest of my goals lie.  


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